b'gifted girls at 11+ and 16+ entrancegifted girls at 11+ and 16+ entranceScholarships available for Scholarships available for AIIMMHHIIGGHHEERRATThhee A Alll-l-NNeeww B Blalacckkhheeaatthh H Higighh S Scchhooool,l , sshhoorrttlilsistteedd f foorr B Beesstt I nInddeeppeennddeenntt G Girirlsls S ScchhoooollOppeenn M Moorrnniningg 1 122 O OccttoobbeerrOBBooookk o onnlilninee a attwwwww.b.blalacckkhheeaatthhhhigighhsscchhooool.lg.gddsstt.n.neettwNeeww s scchhooool lm mininibibuuss r roouutteess a addddeedd f foorr S Seepptteemmbbeerr 2 2001199N'