THE RIVER MAGAZINE | Summer 2017 11 | p r o p e r t y | Name SaZeRaC expeRieNCe Refined & Respected. This New Orleans classic is the oldest cocktail around and happens to be the manager’s favourite. iNgRedieNtS Bulliet Rye & Martell VS Cognac, Peychaud’s Bitters - served neat with a lemon twist, or trade-up and gain respect; ask for Sazerac Straight Rye and Hine VSOP mixiNg teChNique A method handed down through generations of Bar-Tenders BeSt CoNSumed with Live Music and good company - both of which can be found at Leadbelly’s, especially on Thursdays. CoCktail paiRiNg The “Sazerac”, a classic New Orleans cocktail that is always best enjoyed in company. E very week at Leadbelly’s, the American south theme is enjoyed with extra ‘grits’ on their ‘Busking Blues’ nights from 8pm until 10pm. The music is orchestrated by Borough’s favourite comperes Superglad who have a proven track record for finding and fielding local, original talent - so look out for some of the best bands around playing two or three-piece intimate acoustic sets in the bar by the water. Also worth noting is Leadbelly’s two-for-one cocktail deal every weeknight from 5pm until 7pm so even if you aren’t there for the music it’s a fine place to start any evening. Start the weekend early with Live Music at Canada Water Plaza LEADBELLY’S BAR & KITCHEN Deal Porter Square Canada Water SE16 7AQ t: 020 3805 5372 e: w: | f o o d & d r i n k |