| P R O P E R T Y | THE RIVER MAGAZINE | Autumn 2017 35 student council - comprised of the elected Student President and council ministers who work with the senior leadership team delivering improvements across the school. Academically, Compass aims for all pupils to make excellent progress, regardless of their starting points. They have a team of committed staff including subject specialists who ensure that pupils are stretched and challenged to achieve the highest possible grades. In addition, a focus on Maths, English and Science across the school helps to ensure that all students have a strong foundation in these core subjects. Compass School’s mission statement is that“everyone in the Compass School community will confidently reach the destination to which they aspire”. By providing students with the great teaching they need, the opportunities to lead and develop their confidence, the advice and guidance to support their choices, and by being a small close-knit community, Compass School Southwark knows that your child can achieve their goals with them. C hoosing a secondary school for your child is always a difficult decision, and the Compass School Southwark is confident that, if chosen, they will provide your child with the very best opportunities to be successful. Compass School Southwark is a new secondary school, which opened in the heart of Bermondsey in September 2013, with students in Years 7 to 11. As a smaller than average sized secondary school, they place community at the heart of their work. Each student joins a‘Learning Family’; a support network as they move through the school. Students also receive a strong programme of citizenship and what they call‘relating’. In an ever-changing world, the aim is that all students will be able to positively relate to the people they meet, the places they explore, the past which influences who they are, and the possibilities in their futures. Compass School Southwark provides an enhanced teaching timetable, finishing at 4.30pm Monday – Wednesday. This allows pupils to benefit from a full co- curricular enrichment programme, where they can study a range of different academic, sporting and creative pursuits from Latin to leatherwork, and dance to debating. In addition to the enrichment programme, students are encouraged to explore different leadership opportunities and there are a wide range on offer for students across all year groups. The school also has anti-bullying ambassadors who help ensure that Compass students feel safe and have positive relationships with all their peers. There is also a COMPASS SCHOOL SOUTHWARK Drummond Road SE16 2BT t: 0203 542 6506 e: info@compass-schools.com w: compass-schools.com Twitter: @CompassSE16 ENRICHED young citizens | E D U C A T I O N |